Early spring nature in Läänemaa

Early spring animal watching experiences

The end of March and the beginning of April are a great time for animal watching. That’s when the only “wild cat” in our forests – the lynx – is in full swing. The extremely secretive and mysterious lynx usually rarely show themselves to humans, but it is in early spring that they are more likely to be seen in their white coats, walking along forest roads and paths.

Northwest Estonia is undoubtedly one of the best areas in Estonia to see lynx. In the darkness, they now also let out the cackle of the wedding bell, which can be heard far away on a windless evening or night.

Reindeer can now be encountered more often on forest roads or in clearings. New calves are born to the elk cows in May, and before then the young elk that have been with their mothers have to start life on their own. These young moose are often bolder and can be seen in all-white clothing.

Early mornings in the teddy

It’s wonderful to wake up to nature on a crisp early spring morning. As the sun rises, goshawks begin to roar in the skies, northern swans bark loudly in the fields, and a powerful wedding cry of swamp cranes can be heard in the marshes.

But the real spring sightings are in the early mornings, when our wood ducks – the teddy bears – are on the scene. In the mornings, dozens of chickadees flock to the marsh meadows to compete with other roosters and win the hearts of the chickens.

Bird Spring is gathering momentum

With the official start of spring, the birding season is also in full swing. In spring, the best spots for observing migratory birds are on the west coast of Estonia, where tens of thousands of feathered birds rest and feed.

Matsalu National Park, Estonia’s best-known bird sanctuary, is located in Läänemaa, where shallow coves, wet coastal meadows and flooded marshes are home to an abundance of migratory birds. If possible, bring binoculars and enjoy it all with your own eyes. Don’t forget national restrictions when visiting birdwatching towers and hiking trails and keep a safe distance from other visitors.

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